Each vote matters and it's each and everyone rights to vote in the election. District Differently Abled Welfare Office - Kanchipuram District conducted campaign on "Awareness to ensure 100% Voting" along with Saveetha College of Occupational Therapy, Aadhuraa Special school and Vidhya Prakasam Special school Kanchipuram.
District Collector Mrs. Maheshwari Ravikumar inaugurated this program. It started with a flash mob by SAVEETHA OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY studets and continued with the pledge by Kancheepuram district collector Mrs. Mageshwari Ravikumar and she specifically mentioned about importance of "occupational therapy role among differently-abled people and appreciated their efforts of students and faculty members". SCOT Students also held placards about awareness program. There was also a sample voting booth setup for demonstrations where SCOT students demonstrated the voting process.