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Independence Day 2022

Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences celebrated 75th Independence Day with greatest pride and Saveetha College of Occupational Therapy was part of it. The day started off by distributing sweets and flags to the participants and continued with flag hoisting by Dr.N.M.Veeraiyan, Honorable Chancellor of the Institution at the SIMATS ground which was followed by National Anthem where all the dignitaries such as Vice Chancellor, Principal and Faculty of all colleges were present.

The students of all the Colleges assembled at the ground for March past as instructed by the Dean, Sports of SIMATS. March past was done by our students after taking the oath. The event was carried on by the delivery of speech by our Honourable Chancellor and the Director.

Cultural program like Tug of war, dance were performed. The students of Saveetha College of Occupational Therapy participated in the Tug of war in Staff Vs Students category and the students had won the prize. There was also a dance performance by our students that demonstrated patriotism of the nation.

The day ended with prize distribution for the performers and vote of thanks

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