Shiksha, a well known educational portal with authentic and reliable information has ranked *Saveetha College of Occupational Therapy* as the Top Best College in Tamil Nadu.
Rankings are based on the aspects of various amenities like:
•Placements: 5/5
•Infrastructure: 5/5
•Faculty & Course curriculum: 5/5
•Crowd & Campus life: 5/5
•Value for money: 5/5, An well known Educational Web Portal, providing information and ratings comparing colleges and courses in India has ranked SAVEETHA COLLEGE OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY as Top Best College in Tamilnadu.
Rankings are based on their amenities, performances and ratings on various educational and student friendly aspects like
•Academic: 9.0/10
•Accommodation : 8.4/10
•Faculty: 8.8/10
•Infrastructure: 9.0/10
•Placement: 8.6/10
•Social: 8.7/10
